Redundancies are often seen as commensurate with unemployment - but not always. UK labour laws require most people to have some notice of an impending layoff.2 The length of notice rises by one week for every year at the firm, up to a maximum of 12 weeks notice, which does at least allow some time to look for another job while still employed. In normal times, between 40% and 50% of those made redundant are back in work within three months.3 The trouble with recessions is that not many firms hire, particularly not in the current crisis (see earlier SWOB blog ) so it is harder now to find alternative employment for anyone laid off. The Labour Force Survey (LFS) suggests that currently 30% of those laid off in the last three months were in work by August. This percentage is similar to that seen in the 2008-2011 recession. So bad, but not unprecedented.
But no-one is leaving
An important related feature of the labour market is that, alongside redundancies, lots of people move jobs voluntarily all the time. Typically this is because people have found a better job, (better in terms of pay or location or hours or just general stuff), or have quit in the hope of finding something better soon. Firms can often use this "normal" turnover to adjust their workforces without the need for mass layoffs. The red line in the left-hand Figure shows the pattern of these job quits over time. Several things stand out. Quits are typically three to four times as large as layoffs. Quits are also quite seasonal. The blips in the red line correspond to the autumn and winter quarters, when quits are at their highest in the year.4
But the key feature in the Figure is that quits have fallen dramatically during the COVID crisis - to their lowest level for 15 years. Job quits always go down in recessions. Fewer firms hire during a crisis, so many fewer people are willing and able to quit their jobs for something different. But this time round, the decline in quits is larger than in the previous crisis.
Why does this matter for unemployment? If we add the numbers who quit into unemployment with the numbers who are laid off and end up in unemployment, then the right-hand panel of the Figure shows that the total entering unemployment is still much, much lower than in the 2008-2011 downturn.5 This can help explain why unemployment has not risen so sharply (up to the end of August).
Whether this persists and who is being laid off will be pursued in future blogs
Figure. UK Layoffs and Voluntary Separations 2006-2020
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1 ↩ Layoffs in 2008-2011 were in turn much lower than in the 1980s and 1990s recessions because many more people took wage cuts in 2008-2011 and that helped avoid many layoffs
2 ↩Source: Redundancy pay, however requires at least 2 years at a firm, before rising with length of service at the firm. 3 ↩Source: my calculations using Labour Force Survey (LFS)
4 ↩Redundancies are much less seasonal. source: my calculations using LFS
5 ↩THe ONS definition of redundancies excludes "dismissals" and those whose temporary job has ended. These flows have been included in the total separations graph in the right panel
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